A difficult problem :

How do women progress in the sphere of influence in making policies?

How does horticulture become more recognised for the very important influence it can have on the designed landscape?

How can changes in respect to how people view the role of educated people in helping make decisions.

NTU has produced many worthy graduates in horticulture and conservation.

Quite rightly they encourage experienced graduates to try to spread the good news.

My website shows that I think I can do this.

Recently I approached a national organisation for this purpose.

If I detailed the horrific reception I got on the Isle of Wight from a group of gardeners ,it would deter anybody from visiting it again.

This when I was born bred and educated on the Island!

A committee of “dyed in the wool”people vetted me and found me “Unworthy” .

To quote them — “they did not want my skills to day or ever in the future”!

Luckily I have been in the business for a long time.

How would young people be encouraged by this story.

My advice to you is :

Vet the organisation thoroughly.

Just as you would clients.

If they do not understand your worth–walk away from them .

You will never convert them.

Above all keep your sense of dignity.

The next client may well be super.

I hope this helps. \Happy Easter and Happy gardening.

Prolonged effort.

Over the last few weeks I have looked at quite a few gardens.

Some have been very disappointing.

Bulbs around a front door cannot mask the terrible neglect in the rest of a garden.

Yes gardening is more difficult as we get older.

However, there is now a great range of lightweight tools for the job.

In larger gardens areas could be put to wildflower meadows or woodland areas.

Both are low on maintenance.

Gravel gardens are another idea.

Sculpture cuts down workable areas.

So do benches, milk churns and bird baths.

So ,do not give up gardening as life presents new challenges.

Rather”Go with the flow”
