My week: Palmstead Workshop.

It is worth catching the 6.30 am train from Newark to go to Kent .

This week the workshop was home to 400 people. The largest ever .

The title was Podium DeckingPlanting. 

The most imaginative example of this is the Bosco Verticale in Milan.

Tower blocks can now be livened up with super planting.

I saw the Barbican planting scheme with Nigel Dunnet a couple of years back.

He is such an enthusiastic gardener/professor.

Dan Pearson made us quite sad with his images of the Garden Bridge that is now consigned to history.

Beside the talks ,it is super to meet old friend and have a great day.

My enthusiasm will keep me going for the next few months!

My week: trust me I am a designer!

I cannot express my satisfaction with events this week.

At my Pilates class was more about the bulbs coming up — than fitness.

I am getting excited at meeting old friends at Palmstead workshop next wednesday.

I have started a new gardening journal,complete with pictures.

Lastly, yesterday I went past a care garden that I was involved with last year.

The clients became very difficult when I explained that such gardens would be subject to

Local Authority control as regards Health and Safety standards.

They did not agree to this and I had to withdraw.

It seems as if the garden was never built.

At least the clients have not been subjected to risks.

We are trained in what we do and it is better to listen to what we have to say.

This saves time and energy.

Carry on thinking of what you will do with gardening this year.

New year: New beginnings.



There is plenty to get excited about.

I have looked up the gardens I want to visit this year.

Top of the list is East Rush ton garden, Norfolk.

Perhaps to visit the snowdrop event.

I also want to go to Monks Wood, Sussex.

Nearby  is Haddon Hall, Derbyshire.

for Flower Shows I am hoping to go to go to Belvoir in July.

In a couple of weeks Palmstead will be holding their annual workshop.

The bulbs I planted indoors are at their best now.

Outside tips of the daffodils and tulips have made an appearance.

Hellebores are coming up.

There is a lot to cheer us up.

We just need to be willing to look for things .