Wildlife as it was.

This week I went to the RA exhibition of Matisse in the studio. 

I then went to see the work of Charles Tunnicliffe RA .

He drew and painted the sketches that were used in the Ladybird books. 

I still have a collection including What to look for in Winter.

The original paintings are a delight.

The detail is amazing.

1960 was not that long ago and yet it is a lifetime away from the graphics for books today.

We know that these books were produced in a way that kept the cost down.

However their appeal was monumental.

The market they reached was vast.

I wonder how many companies can boasts of

such records today.

A visit to the RA is always worth.

Why not pop along.



Autumn is almost upon us.


This week has seen a variety of weather from very hot days to cool mornings.

This can only mean that Autumn is on its way.

Jobs in the garden are important now to prepare for  next year.

Pruning back  Buddlea after flowering is one job.

Again pruning bak climbers that have become overgrown is also on the”To do “list.

While you are doing this, do not forget to enjoy being outside .

The colour of fruits and berries make the garden super.

It is a good idea at this time of year to take pictures of the garden.

This gives ideas as to what plant combinations work well.

It may also suggest changes you can make next year.

Time now to order the bulbs that you are going to plant up for next year.

Why not try something different.

This means you have lots of things that will keep you happy and give you exercise if you just give up the TV and get in the garden!
